Simple pricing with no hidden fees.
Start a 14 day free trial today. Cancel anytime.
You will need the following accounts to publish your app (once you have finished creating it on Hype Burst):
$25/one time
All Plans Include:
Unlimited Features
Get unlimited access to all the fitness app features in the Hype Burst software.
Unlimited App Downloads
There are no limits on the number of times your app can be downloaded from the App Store.
Zero Transaction Fees
We believe in growth. To help your business grow, we won't charge any transaction fees so you keep 100%.
Trusted by over 40,000 customers and fitness apps worldwide.
Save money and time on custom development.
Build a Successful Subscription Business.
How does it work?
Build a fitness app in 1,2,3. Our on boarding team are by your side each step of the way.
Step 1
Design your app
Upload your logo and other branded content. Customise the colours of everything in your app.
Step 2
Upload your workout content
Upload your workouts. You can organise your workouts however you like, for example, in plans and weeks.
Step 3
Submit your app
Submit your app to the Hype Burst team who will publish it on the Apple App Store & Google Play Store.